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Three Important Dimensions of the Future Communication Pattern

Wang Junchao

Abstract: As claimed by the "singularity theory" holders represented by the American futurist Ray Kurzweil, artificial intelligence will completely surpass human intelligence due to the "accelerating law of return." Focusing on the media, audience and governance, this paper investigates the media form in the future, and believes that in the relationship between media and people, the media is an extension of people, and people is the host of the media. "Integration" is the "fifth law of media." From the perspective of the audience, technological alienation will bring about the risk of "AI worship," and the future media audience needs to get rid of the bondage of technology while increasing media literacy and popularizing media credit. Regarding media governance, co-governance will be the universal governance model of the future media.

Keywords: Future media, communication form, artificial intelligence, media law, technological alienation




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